D.C. At-Risk Students Paid $5.25 An Hour To Attend Summer School Through Summer Bridge Program

Posted: July 31, 2012 in Uncategorized

I am actually glad this story is circulating because this is prima facie evidence of exactly what I’ve been shouting from the mountain tops to the mute & deaf masses. Liberalism is destroying black people. This program creates a generation of welfarites (as my Gran Gran called them) who will grow up to be fully reliant upon the government for their needs. It perpetuates the cycles of ignorance, poverty, & mental slavery. Every dollar handed out beyond a temporary, emergency, time-of-crisis need is a CHAIN that binds my people to their death. Only a fool thinks that Democrats in government “care.” You’ve forgotten that it is the party of Dixiecrats. It is the slave master’s party, & just because he has disguised his intentions doesn’t mean he has changed his sheets. Entrapping people into a state of permanent infirmity is NOT “care.” It is nothing shy of indirect murder. Yes, murder. The scores of my brothers, our fathers, sitting in prison & in mortuaries are mostly there because they were dehumanized from birth. What other institutions or states of existence but the government’s ones do they know?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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